Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Living in the Pink

Living in the Pink Blog Tour
with Sharon Tubbs

April 25-29, 2011
About the Book
Living in the Pink is a series of humorous and insightful short stories with Christian underpinnings. Through the eyes of the wise “Sister Pinky” and Believers Ministries International Church, these stories highlight issues that women grapple with but that often remain unspoken in religious circles. The characters are everyday wives, mothers, and singles. They develop and gain a spiritual perspective in dealing with romantic relationships, wayward children, jealousy, church traditions, Christian hypocrisy, and self-righteous judgment, among other themes.
Discussion questions help readers connect with the storylines and urge them to look within—and up—to reach their highest potential in life
About the Author
SHARON TUBBS is a Christian who loves to write. She has worked professionally as a journalist since 1995 and has reported and written about various news topics, from local government issues to race relations to national religious events. Currently, she is a community news editor for a major newspaper in Florida.Her passion is writing about God’s love and His vision for believers. She confessed Christ as her Lord and Savior in 1995, shortly after graduating from Indiana University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and moving away from her home state to jumpstart a journalism career in suburban New Jersey. Hundreds of miles away from the security of home, she realized that God was the source of true peace, contentment, and most importantly eternal life.
Since moving to Florida in 1996, she has used church leadership activities and other venues to encourage women in the Tampa Bay area to write poetry, devotionals, and books with Christian themes. She has also sponsored a “small group” home Bible study affiliated with Grace Family Church in Lutz, Florida, where she has been a member since January 2008. She feels blessed to learn from other women, while helping to facilitate their growth, as well.

The Living in the Pink project originated when Sharon wrote a version of the first story, Revelation, for a writing contest. She didn’t plan to create a series at the time. In fact, that story stayed tucked away in the annals of her computer for years before she looked at it again. The second go-round, she saw potential for something more and began to develop the central character “Sister Pinky,” using humor and real-life situations to touch others in a down-to-earth way. In 2009, the project was launched online at LivingInThePink.com as a monthly short story series and newsletter with themes inspired by struggles that many women face.

In the spring of 2010, Sharon finalized a deal with Moody Publishers to expand the Living in the Pink project. That same year, she also contracted with See Media, a Christian company that publishes 30-day devotionals for woman. Both the Living in the Pink project and Sharon’s devotional for See Media are scheduled for release in April 2011.

Visit the author online at http://godsdevinedesign.com

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CFBA: When all my dreams come true

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
When All My Dreams Come True
Harvest House Publishers (February 1, 2011)
Janelle Mowery


Beginning in 1998, Janelle Mowery coordinated and wrote for the Children’s Ministry of a Christian website called The Invisible Connection. When the holder of that site discontinued the ministry and website in the year 2000, she began writing inspirational fiction romance novels.

Janelle became a member of American Christian Fiction Writers in the year 2002 and is an active member and leader in one of their critique groups, which has provided many opportunities for growth and development. In 2003, she entered her first novel in the Noble Theme contest and was named one of the top ten finalists in the historical category. In 2004, she had a short story titled ‘A Fair Chance’ published in the e-magazine, Romancing the Christian Heart. In 2005, her third novel, entered in the San Gabriel Writers’ League ‘Writing Smarter’ Contest, won first place. Also, Janelle’s fifth novel made it to the top ten finalists in the Noble Theme contest.

In 2006, she signed her first contract with Barbour Publishing in their Heartsong Presents Mysteries line. The novel, Where the Truth Lies, which she co-authored with Elizabeth Ludwig, released in spring of 2008. The second and third mysteries of the series, Died in the Wool and A Black Die Affair, is set for release in 2011.

Janelle has signed with Harvest House for a historical series set in Colorado. Release of the first book is set for early 2011. She has also signed with Summerside Press. Her novel, Love Finds You in Silver City, Idaho, released in October 2010.

Janelle has been married twenty-one years and is the mother of two sons. She is a member of Sandy Point Bible Church and serves as Treasurer. She also assists in the church’s teen program.


Bobbie McIntyre dreams of running a ranch of her own. Raised without a mother and having spent most of her time around men, she knows more about wrangling than acting like a lady. The friendship of her new employer awakens a desire to learn more about presenting her feminine side, but ranch life keeps getting in the way.

Ranch owner Jace Kincaid figures the Lord is testing his faith when a female wrangler shows up looking for work. Bobbie has an uncanny way of getting under his skin, though, and he’s surprised when she finds a home next to his heart. But when his cattle begin to go missing and his wranglers are in danger from some low-down cattle thief, can Jace trust God, even if it may mean giving up on his dreams?

An adventurous novel of faith, hope, and love in the Wild West.

If you would like to read the first chapter of When All My Dreams Come True, go HERE.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Latest Smoke Signals Newsletter from Wiconi

Portland Native Prayer Breakfast
smoke signals masthead

Hau kola "Hello friend,"

"This was such a spiritually encouraging time, when are you having the next one?," is the question I was asked numerous times. Our first Portland/Vancouver Native American Prayer Breakfast was a sacred place where people from our community gathered to hear some positive encouraging stories of life, eat a little food, get blessed with some traditional music, meet new friends and allow the prayers offered to lift our hearts and minds toward heaven ... all in the spirit of Jesus. Linda Hunter of Our United Villages stated it best, "This breakfast is about building inclusive and vibrant community."

RT - head pic We left that place with a feeling that our faith was real and that Jesus does make a difference and that we are connected to a larger band of conspirators who are equally committed to the common good of our city! 

This prayer breakfast is a direct result of my traveling less, which I referenced in my last Smoke Signals. It's crazy, but the past nine weeks are my longest stretch at home in ten years. 

This local community focus, however, is not without cost. As a matter of fact, financially, it is a significant cost. When I accept speaking invitations, the reason for all my traveling, not only are all my expenses paid for, but they provide substantial financial honorariums to support our work. These are now significantly reduced as I decline new invitations.

gomez n elder
Dave Gomez Sharing With Elder.
As a friend, supporter or follower of Wiconi and my adventures, I am asking for your help during this period of dynamic transition.

Specifically, for the remaining nine months of this year, will you commit to send a gift for $50 each month to help us remain firmly engaged with Native people in our community? I know this will be a sacrifice. I cannot promise your income will increase or you will be blessed financially in some way if you do, but I can say it is a good investment in Wiconi International and the lives of Native people that you can feel good about as an extension of your life and faith. 
  • You can also call our office at 360-546-1867 or mail a check to our office at Wiconi International, PO Box 5246, Vancouver, WA 98668. 
  • Since this is also tax season, you maybe interested in donating a portion of your tax return to Wiconi International. Just click here.

You and I are called to live out our faith in a local context. May you find the grace and courage to live well as a neighbor, friend, helper and someone who likes to laugh a lot! Your gift will be wisely used and is greatly appreciated!

Lila Pilamaya "thank you so much!" 

Richard Twiss, Sicangu Lakota
President, Wiconi International

Portland/Vancouver Native Prayer Breakfast
     by Candace Crandall                                                                                                    Photos by Kim Haggstrom 
ptld prayer team
In these days of religious strife and division some First Nations leaders held an event that brought people together from many faith backgrounds to celebrate the good things in life we share together because of the Creator's blessing and kindness to us all, in the spirit of Jesus. Afterward, many shared of an unmet need that this one breakfast has already begun to fill; need for encouragement, sharing our stories and friendship. 

Richard Twiss (Sicangu Lakota) and Wiconi International organized and hosted the first bi-Annual Portland/Vancouver Native American Prayer Breakfast on April 1st, 2011 at the Native American Youth and Family Services (NAYA) center. Richard and Donita Fry, (Shoshoni/Bannock) from NAYA, co-hosted the morning. 

My Father's Colors

My Father's Colors Blog Tour
with Marian L. Thomas

April 11-15, 2011
About the Book
Four people will travel on a journey that will lead to one destination.
How do you find a daughter you never knew you gave birth to? That is the question that Naya must answer as she once again finds herself on a journey filled with betrayal, lies and shocking secrets of her past.
How far would one go for love? That is the question that Chris wastes no time answering. He will do whatever it takes to remove his wife’s pain, even if it means being the one to cause her the most.
Fame and Fortune have been the determining factor for Misty ever sense her father passed away. How far will she go, this time to achieve it?
Carl Thompson has found the love of his life, only she doesn’t know it. Green eyes and hazel brown hair fill his dreams for the future. Does he have enough love for the both of them?
Join best-selling author Marian L. Thomas as she takes you through the pages of My Father’s Colors. This book is guaranteed to make you laugh, cry and get caught in the drama-filled story of a woman’s journey to find her voice, again!
About the Author
Marian L. Thomas graduated Magna Cum Laude, receiving her Bachelor degree in Business Communication. She began her writing debut as a Sports Editor and as a News Editor for a local Atlanta college paper.
It took over twenty-years for Marian to see her first piece of published fiction in Print─Color Me Jazzmyne, in early 2009. Color Me Jazzmyne went on to become a Amazon Best-selling novel for Marian, reaching #1 in the Rhythm & Blue category, #2 in Inner-Child and #7 in Performance/Voice for her character Naya Moná’s, amazing melodious tones that are developed throughout the book.
Color Me Jazzmyne was awarded as one of the “Top 100 Books” for 2010 by the Sankofa Literary Society Review.
While Marian’s books are a work of fiction, they touch on the struggles of women, abuse, relationships and friendships, giving each one a hint of reality that readers are looking for in a good, clean and emotional story.
Visit the author online at http://www.marianlthomas.com/

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Sign-Up for Aleysha's Inspirational Cafe Blog Tour

Sign-Up for Aleysha's Inspirational Cafe Blog Tour
with Aleysha Proctor

Mondays in May  2011



With Style & Amazing Grace

Do not let your adornment be merely outward arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:3-4 (New King James Version) Embrace a more balanced lifestyle. One with style, grace, rest and purpose. It’s the kind of life that God blesses, and in turn, you’re able to bless others.

He’s The Keeper of My Soul

What would you do if you knew that you could not fail? How would you feel about yourself if you KNEW that the God of the Universe is crazy about you?! How would your life be different?

So many people live their lives thinking if only I were smarter, if only I were thinner, if only I were richer, if only I were more educated, if only, if only, if only.

You fill in the blanks. If only _____, then my life would be better or complete.

In He’s the Keeper of My Soul, Aleysha will walk you through scriptures to show you just how smitten God is with you, and you’ll be able to see how He sees you! It doesn’t matter if the year is 2008 or 8008, the Bible is still relevant in our everyday life. King Solomon said, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Meaning, any economical, social, political or personal issue that we’re experiencing in our current day, has already been experienced in the past. And the Bible has an answer for it!

Jazz, Java & Jesus

From the author of With Style & Amazing Grace and He’s the Keeper of My Soul, comesJazz, Java & Jesus. A book of Christian devotions to soothe the weary soul. Along with crossword, word search and word scramble puzzles. As the author has shown us in previous books, Jazz, Java & Jesus reaffirms that you are important to the Lord!
About the Author

Aleysha Proctor is an award-winning Entrepreneur, award-winning Author, and certified Image Consultant (having studied with Color Me Beautiful, Inc., Beauty for All Seasons and Brenda York Image Management). She also has a BS degree in Management & Leadership, an MBA in Marketing from Hamilton University, and is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF).  Aleysha is a member of the Fashion Group International (FGI), where she served as the president of the Foundation, which awarded scholarships to area students majoring in fashion related fields. She’s also a member of the National Black MBA Association, Inc. (NBMBAA).

Aleysha has authored three inspirational books: With Style & Amazing Grace (2007),He’s the Keeper of My Soul (2008), and  Jazz, Java & Jesus (2010). Inc. In 2008, she won Aspicomm Media’s Best Spiritual/Inspirational Book award for her first title, “With Style & Amazing Grace”.

A member of the First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Maryland (FBCG), Aleysha’s passion in life is helping others to live their best lives now by realizing and utilizing their potential. Visit the Aleysha online at http://www.aleyshaproctor.com/

Beyond the Closet Door

Beyond the Closet Door Blog Tour
with Sharon Jenkins

April 4-8, 2011
About the Book
Sharon C. Jenkins celebrates the demonstrated power of faith to heal adult child abuse victims. All sufferers of child abuse deal with emotional issues in the aftermath of their oppression, whether it is physical, sexual, verbal, or mental. This work of nonfiction furnishes the breath of life for hope found within the resurrected soul touched by Calvary’s cost and empowers them to find purpose for their once shattered lives.
About the Author
Sharon Jenkins shares her very personal story of how she went from victim to victor over abuse. The book Beyond the Closet Door… is centered on her closet experience as toddler and how this experience of neglect has shaped every life experience she has had since then. She chronicles its effect from that point through her adulthood. This book is not about blame but perseverance. The silent scream of abuse continues to cry out in this nation and as an advocate for the abused she has made it her personal mission to help others child abuse adult victims “stop the hurting.”
Known locally as The Master Communicator, the author is proficient in communicating the plight of the abused child in this revelatory book. Ms. Jenkins is a motivational speaker and workshop facilitator. She is also the co-author of another inspirational book, Songs of Three Sisters, and an avid contributor to local magazines and newspapers. She is current a writer for Beauty Come Forth E-Magazine.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views

Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views 

  • Paperback: 221 pages

  • Publisher: IVP Academic (October 31, 2001)

  • Language: English

  • ISBN-10: 9780830826520

  • ISBN-13: 978-0830826520

  • ASIN: 0830826521

    The question of the nature of God's foreknowledge and how that relates to human freedom has been pondered and debated by Christian theologians at least since the time of Augustine. And the issue will not go away. More recently, the terms of the debate have shifted, and the issue has taken on new urgency with the theological proposal known as the openness of God. This view maintains that God's knowledge, while perfect, is limited regarding the future inasmuch as the future is "open" and not settled. Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views provides a venue for well-known proponents of four distinct views of divine foreknowledge to present their cases: Gregory A. Boyd of Bethel College presents the open-theism view, David Hunt of Whittier College weighs in on the simple-foreknowledge view, William Lane Craig of Talbot School of Theology takes the middle-knowledge view, and Paul Helm of Regent College, Vancouver, presents the Augustinian-Calvinist view. All four respond to each of the other essayists, noting points of agreement and disagreement. Editors James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy introduce the contemporary debate and also offer a conclusion that helps you evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of each view. The result is a unique opportunity to grapple with the issues and arguments and frame your own understanding of this important debate.

    Thursday, April 07, 2011

    The Alarmists

    This week, the
    Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
    is introducing
    The Alarmists
    Bethany House (April 1, 2011)
    Don Hoesel


    Don Hoesel is a Web site designer for a Medicare carrier in Nashville, TN. He has a BA in Mass Communication from Taylor University and has published short fiction in Relief Journal. He was born and raised in Buffalo, NY but calls Spring Hill, Tennessee, with his wife and two children. The Alarmists is his third novel.


    The 2012 phenomenon that's going viral around the globe has led sociology professor Jameson Richards to study the impact on society when, like the Y2K scare, 12/21/12 comes and goes with hardly a wrinkle.

    This is the date that, according to the Mayan calendar, the doomsayers predict the world will end. Richards teams up with General Michaels, a scientist stationed at the Pentagon whose job it is to monitor the world's fanatics, keeping an eye out for potential terrorists. Together they uncover something sinister going on beneath the surface, linked to billionaire and media mogul Jeremy Maxwell, who also happens to be a huge manufacturer of weapons systems.

    The 2012 date has captured Maxwell's attention too, and he's looking to cash in on the public's fear and paranoia. And what he instigates--along with his corrupt partners--nearly starts another war in the Middle East, while also bringing the world to its knees economically. It's up to the professor/general team to blow the whistle on Maxwell, hopefully in time to avert a major catastrophe.

    If you would like to read the first chapter of The Alarmists, go HERE

    Wednesday, April 06, 2011

    CFBA: Operation Bonnet

    This week, the
    Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
    is introducing
    Operation Bonnet
    David C. Cook; New edition (February 1, 2011)
    Kimberly Stuart

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR:     Kimberly says:

    I am a writer of comedic fiction, and would like to suggest that you laugh regularly when reading my books. Let’s also try for one to two teary moments. If you are crying more than that, you don’t understand my sense of humor and should move on to another author.

    I grew up in a book-loving home. Actually, that’s not entirely accurate. My mom loves books. My dad loves to read the first chapters of books and then make us all listen as he recites his favorite passages. I, however, enjoy reading books in their entirety and came into writing as a result of book-love. After earning two fancy degrees in education and Spanish, I promptly let the thinking part of my brain take a breather and instead became pregnant. (I’m sure a lot of other things happened between early literacy and pregnancy but I don’t really remember any of that. If you also have shared your uterus with another human, you understand.)

    In an effort to author a book that would entertain my sassy, irreverent, breast-feeding/drooping friends, I wrote my first novel, Balancing Act. People were so nice to me after that, I decided to continue with writing. Also, I can’t craft, knit, or scrapbook, so what else was a nice, Christian girl to do?

    In addition to writing books to make my friends laugh and cry, I observe the chaos at the home I share with my unfailingly supportive husband and three offspring. We’re doing our best and so far, no one’s been to prison.


    Twenty-year-old Nellie Monroe has a restless brilliance that makes her a bit of an odd duck. She wants to be a private investigator, even though her tiny hometown offers no hope of clients. Until she meets Amos Shetler, an Amish dropout carrying a torch for the girl he left behind.

    So Nellie straps on her bonnet and goes undercover to get the dish. But though she’s brainy, Nellie is clueless when it comes to real life and real relationships. Soon she’s alienated her best friend, angered her college professor, and botched her case.

    Operation Bonnet is a comedy of errors, a surprising take on love, and a story of grace.

    If you would like to read the first chapter of Operation Bonnet, go HERE.

    Watch the book video trailer:

    Friday, April 01, 2011

    Hearts Aglow

    This week, the
    Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
    is introducing
    Hearts Aglow
    Bethany House (March 1, 2011)
    Tracie Peterson


    Tracie Peterson is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than 85 novels.

    She received her first book contract in November, 1992 and saw A Place To Belong published in February 1993 with Barbour Publishings' Heartsong Presents.  She wrote exclusively with Heartsong for the next two years, receiving their readership's vote for Favorite Author of the Year for three years in a row.

    In December, 1995 she signed a contract with Bethany House Publishers to co-write a series with author Judith Pella.  Tracie now writes exclusively for Bethany House Publishers.

    She teaches writing workshops at a variety of conferences on subjects such as inspirational romance and historical research.

    Tracie was awarded the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for 2007 Inspirational Fiction and her books have won numerous awards for favorite books in a variety of contests.

    Making her home in Montana, this Kansas native enjoys spending time with family--especially her three grandchildren--Rainy, Fox and Max.  She's active in her church as the Director of Women's Ministries, coordinates a yearly writer's retreat for published authors, and travels, as time permits, to research her books


    The future should be bright for Deborah Vandermark, who is now pursuing her interest in medicine alongside Dr. Christopher Clayton, who is courting her. But the lumber town is resistant to the idea of a woman physician, and she feels thwarted at every turn.

    A more devastating blow occurs, however, when Christopher breaks off their relationship to return home to his troubled family. Despite her own love life going awry, Deborah is still intent to be a matchmaker for both her widowed mother and her brother, who has caught the eye of the spit-fire daughter of the local pastor.

    But what will Deborah do when faced with the truth about Christopher's family? Is there hope for the two of them...or will Jake Wyeth's attentions finally catch Deborah's eye instead?

    If you would like to read the first chapter of Hearts Aglow, go HERE.

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