An anthology of original noir short stories set in Indian Country will be released next year. The editors are seeking stories that take place in Indian Country, which includes Canadian reserves, U.S. reservations, Alaska, Hawaii, and Mexican Indian land, and/or stories that revolve around Native characters. Stories may be historical, literary and/or crime fiction, as long as they are previously unpublished, and stories that take place in the Eastern or Southern United States are particularly needed. Writers of First Nation ancestry are especially invited to submit. Emerging writers, as well as established authors, are encouraged to send their work. Stories should be 3,000 - 6,000 words, and the deadline is May 15, 2008. Pay will be approximately $200, and rights revert back to the author. Direct any questions or send stories via e-mail to
Deadline is Feb. 15, 2008; established and emerging Hispanic authors encouraged to send mystery short stories for ground-breaking anthology to be published next year by Arte Público Press
Showcase your talents as a Hispanic/Latino author of short fiction by writing a mystery story for a ground-breaking anthology, The Latino Mystery Reader, to be published next year by Arte Público Press. The anthology will include short mystery stories by Latino writers thrilling readers with previously unpublished work. There's no anthology like this on the market, and this book will fill the void. Many of the acclaimed Latino writers in the United States are already committed to this project. Our vision is to bring together a unique melding of the successful and prominent authors in this genre with new talent and exciting new voices.
This anthology will include works from established and emerging Hispanic/Latino authors who write in English (no translations), who are U.S.-based or U.S.-born, and whose heritage stems from a Spanish-speaking country or area, including Spain and the Americas. (This anthology will not include works from authors whose heritage is from Portugal or Brazil.)
Send your unpublished short fiction of approximately 4,000-7,000 words to The Latino Mystery Reader, c/o Liz Martínez, 47-01 Greenpoint Ave., #114, Sunnyside, NY 11104-1709, or e-mail as a MS Word or WordPerfect document to (E-mail submissions are preferred, but snail-mail submissions will be cheerfully accepted). The deadline for submission is February 15, 2008.
Editors of The Latino Mystery Reader are Liz Martínez (New York City) and Sarah Cortez (Houston, Texas). Both are experienced, award-winning authors and editors coupling their criminal justice experience with a love of mystery and short fiction. Liz Martínez is the author of the highly respected non-fiction book The Retail Manager's Guide to Crime and Loss Prevention (Looseleaf Law Publications, 2004) and has recently published short stories in the anthologies Manhattan Noir, edited by Lawrence Block, and Queens Noir, edited by Robert Knightly (both published by Akashic Books). Sarah Cortez's debut volume of poetry How To Undress A Cop (Arte Público Press, 2000) introduced street policing to the world of literary poetry. Her most recent project has been the editing of a highly acclaimed collection of memoir essays from around the United States titled Windows into My World: Latino Youth Write Their Lives (Arte Público Press, 2007).
Email with any questions.