Saturday, January 18, 2014

Review: Do What Jesus Did by Robby Dawkins

While some historical Christian churches --especially the Baptist Church-- declare that the ages of miracles have passed and that wonders have ceased, there is another parallel stream of Christianity that declares that the Ho0ly Spirit of God still works wonders, especially through the church, which is His body on earth.

In Robby Dawkins' new book, Do What Jesus Did, he challenges all Christians to step out in what he calls the risk of faith to do as Jesus did, to heal the sick, to cast out demons, to save the lost, and to change and restore lives. Dawkins, who is a pastor of a Vineyard Church in Aurora Illinois, has written a book that is a manual, and a collection of testimonies. He alternates between dramatic encounter stories (about witches, drug addicts, atheists, believers of other faiths, and nominal unbelievers) with solid Scriptural teachings concerning the Christian's glorious obligations to reconcile the lost in the world to a loving God.

This Charismatic stream of Christianity shows up in many denominations. However, although many Charismatic believers, Pentecostals, and mainstream Bible believers believe that God is loving. few have seen the miracles they desire to see. Dawkins gives many reasons for this lack of miracles without sonding like a know-it-all.

 One of his favorite quotes is: "God's gift to us is ability, our gift to God is availability." He believes the Christian should get out of her comfort zone, take chances, and believe that God will "show up" and reward such risk-taking faith. Of course there are methods, and the Christian needs to hone the ability to understand and hear God's direction. While he acknowledges that some Christians have particular gifts in areas of healing and prophecy, he maintains and reminds his readers that Jesus equipped the Seventy-two to go out and heal. 

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