Saturday, January 24, 2009

The false foundations of the American Dream

Okay, if there is one thing that is totally apparent to me, it's this: The American Way of Life -- the vacations, the "stuff" we have in our house, the two or more cars per family, the eating out once a week, little mandatory luxuries and great expenses-- are built on credit...which is a lie. We have all been trained to live beyond our means by doing so on credit.

What would American life be like if we didn't have credit on so many things? What would our life be like if we only bought what we could pay for...and all we had was really ours and not really on lease to us through a credit card company?

Can you imagine kids working their way through college without taking out college loans? Can you imagine most folks saving up for their houses or folks living in houses inherited through their families? Can you imagine most folks living in apartments? Can you imagine having most families having only one car? Can you imagine young folks age 20-30 still living with their family and folks not thinking a guy is "immature cause he still lives at home with his folks"?

We have been so trained to believe in financial independence. But has it really been independence? Not really? It's been dependence on credit. I don't think we will be able to return to the days when family was wealth and where family was where one got one's wealth and where living close as a family was a way of gaining and keeping wealth. Our trust has been put in credit card systems who trained us to believe in the American Dream.

Will it be hard to return? Yes! Because the media owns our minds for the most part. We believe what they tell us to believe. And the American Dream has become such a "tradition" that few folks will be able to free their minds from it...and from the brainwashing of the "need" for credit.


L.C. Gant said...

Your words are so true! Did you know that credit cards didn't even exist until the 1970's and 80's? We've literally become a nation dependent on credit in less than ONE generation!

That's the whole reason we're in an economic recession now. Not only have individuals bought everything on credit, but entire corporation have, too. And once individual people couldn't afford to make their payments, neither could the businesses.

The good news is that this whole disaster is finally forcing everyone to look in the mirror. People are beginning to cut back, to save before spending, to live within their means. Maybe it took hitting rock bottom for us to get the point, but I definitely believe something's changed in the mind of Americans.

My prayer is that once we rebound from the turmoil we're facing now, we don't go back to way things used to be.

Anonymous said...

This week I was watching Doctor Phil, and Oprah. I normally don't, mind you.

But they both were featuring stories of people with credit card debt. My goodness! I could not believe what I was seeing.

We have similiar problems here in Australia, but this seemed humungus in comparison.

One lady and her husband had a debt of $625000!!! And, the husband had already been bankrupt twice before they married. Needless to say, the debt was all in her name. But, that was only one story. There were many others. Ordinary people with extra-ordinary debt. And they showed their homes... full of things that hadn't even been opened, used, or unboxed.... garages and closets full of 'must have' purchases on credit.

Very sad, and very scary for these type of people. In reality, it is a sickness and they look to things to fulfill them. Their answer is Jesus, not the unsatisfying pit of debt. And, they are looking for instant gratification, are undisciplined and mostly irresponsible.

I have had to learn the hard way in my life, and I praise God for correcting me, and setting me on the path of Truth.

Great post!

Carole McDonnell said...

Hi L C and Pearls!

Yeah, it's pretty sad how it's all turned out. I can only hope for the best...but mostly i keep thinking this is just going to lead to the global economy we all fear: not knowing if I should keep my eyes keened for the anti-christ or for the rapture. Will see. ::smile::


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