Monday, January 26, 2009

God's Word Is a Living Dagger

I dreamed a bad spirit had been awakened somehow from some old clothes I received as a gift from a friend. IT had previously haunted those who wore it and since I inherited the clothes I ended up with the spirit. I tried to escape it and was thinking of the word of God but when I managed to say it, the power of God really showed. But I was so tired from fighting. When I woke up I heard the Bible phrase, "Not as though beating against the air."

1 Corinthians 9:26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: 1 Corinthians 9:25-27

This reminded me of two verses that have really been helping me.
One is "Are not my words like a hammer that beat the stone to pieces?" And the other is "The word of God is sharp, living, a two-edged sword." I heard a sermon where someone said when Paul describes the sword of the spirit which is the word of God he uses the word which means a dagger, a kind of small knife which one jabs one's opponents with. So lately, I've been thinking that everytime I use the word of god or any of God's promises, I imagine myself stabbing stabbing stabbing at the autism and the fibromyalgia. I imagine the word of God like a hammer, knocking out the congestion in my son's head and chipping away at the foundations of sickness and the place Satan had found to attack us.

I think this dream came to encourage me. I don't really know what the clothes means...although I did get some inherited clothes from someone. But it reminds me that Faith isn't faith if it isn't spoken. The word of God must be spoken in order to be an effective weapon. And when I speak I mustn't think, "Ah, it's not working!" I must think, "I am not beating against the air."

Sometimes we think nothing is happening because we're carnal and we walk by sight, but God has told us to walk by faith in his character, in his word, in the fact that something is happeninn in the spiritual realm.


Anonymous said...

Excellent revelation on the word as a sword... I love it!

With the dream regarding the clothes. King David came to mind. When he was young, we went to go into battle with King Saul's war garb on: his shield etc. It didn't fit, and he didn't need to go to war in someone else's outfit. God had equipped him with his own 'defense'.

Your dream about someone else's clothes could mean that God has His own plan of attack/defense/style for you, not what someone else is trying to pass onto you. Maybe there is someone in your life who is a little too 'helpful' with their own ideas for you??

Also could mean, put on the garment of praise... anything else is a dead weight. :)

Carole McDonnell said...

Wow, pearls of truth!!!!! YES!!!!! YES!!! I think your interpretation is dead-on!!!! Thanks so much. This really helps. Now I've really got to think of this. -C

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