Tuesday, July 29, 2008

review of Seaborn by Chris Howard

By Chris Howard
Juno Books
ISBN 978-0-8095-7281-6
August 2008
380 pages

Did a review of Seaborn at compulsivereader.com

And also at Blogcritics.com


You can read an excerpt here http://www.juno-books.com/seaborn_ex.html

This is his website:


And he loved my review. Neat!


Joshua said...

It's not really clear (in the Compulsive Reader review) how having your body usurped counts as an alliance. Typically allies each (think they will) get something out of the deal, so that struck me as a strange choice of words.

Carole McDonnell said...

It's an alliance because she helps him get away with murder. She knows the modern laws...and how to flirt her way out of an interrogation. She helps him because if she doesn't help him both of them will be punished by human authorities or killed by bad Seaborn folks. Ultimately she wants her freedom but hey, she falls in love with him. -C

Carole McDonnell said...

Have you noticed that whenever you comment on my blog you get into corrective mode? You always want to enlighten me as to what I should be doing and the proper choice of words. Forgetting for the nonce that I used to be a teacher and I am quite older than you and that I am published in many books and magazines, I want to talk about the fact that we are Christians.

To speak into the life of someone we need to have earned that right. Elders can speak to young folks because that is allowed in our religion. Friends can also enlighten friends. But it is a bit presumptive for someone who is neither friend nor elder to try to correct someone she hasn't built a relationship with.

I don't mind an unpublished person correcting me, mind you. I just wish you had befriended me first before you decided to make it a point to teach me about all things literary. I have worked on quite a few magazines and know quite a few editors...it's possible you lost a good network buddy by indulging your desire to correct an elder.

Now: specifics: Read Seaborn and then question the review. You will see that the word choice of "alliance" was the right one.


Joshua said...

I apologize for offending you. It's true that I tend to criticize more than I actually contribute to a discussion, although in this case I intended my comment as an honest request for clarification. I assumed you had a reason for the word alliance, but to me it didn't line up with the other details you mentioned in your review. I obviously picked a poor choice of words to ask a question with (although you are right, I did see the lack as a flaw in the review).

I also apologize for never posting more about Wind Follower like I said I would in my first comment, but to be honest, you scared me off until I could put "enough" thought into it, which may be whenever I reread it or never...

A couple final things: I am a male (not clear from your use of "she" if it was merely a hypothetical or if you meant me). And if you want me to stop commenting altogether, you may have to say so more forcefully. (I will try to take more thought about what I say here in the future.)

And thanks for your advice concerning elders; it is something that isn't very well rooted in me: I tend to say whatever comes into my mind if I think it's true. It is especially easy to forget that other people on the Internet are not necessarily the same as you (whether age, gender, background, what-have-you).

God bless!

Joshua said...

And as far as my choice of words, "strongly" was a poor one, I should have said "directly." I'd also like to thank you for taking the time to explain what you meant, and ask your forgiveness. Please forgive me for hurting you.

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