Dreamed of an english man who had a chicken farm. we were talking about a chicken wire fence.
Dreamed of moving and realizing we could leave the furniture. We didn't have to take it with us to the new place.
Dreamed of going on a night trip to an oratory competition between pastors of different denominations. I was outside with other friends. a chinese boy, a chinese girl, two other boys. We were outside but we kept peeking in and speaking to a friend in the back ros. We heard one pastor speak. Thatas good. Then we heard silence. When the silence went on for a long time, I joked that that was probably a Quaker pastor's oration. Then I entered the door and an usher a black man handed me a lukewarm wad of pasta lying in his hand. He said, "I want to give you a little something." I thought, "Is this guy kidding? This is leftover cooked been out all day pasta and it's been in his hand or in his pocket ...probably insanitary. Icky."
New Blog and Website Refresh!
It's been a very long time since I wrote anything on Disability Blogger.
And that's a bit sad, because I used to write here all the time. I enjoyed
this bl...
2 years ago
The pasta was lukewarm, lost it's nutritional value, and is not healthy for the body as it has become contaminated. Hence the silence in the spiritual realm.
Know any pastor's(pasta's) like that?? I do... heaps! lol...
Wow, woman! You are soooooo goood!!!!! How come I didn't -- absolutely DID NOT realize that pun?
I often feel that so many ministers/pastors don't study the word themselves but are involved in how well they sound. And although I know we are blessed in Christ and God wouldn't mind prospering many of us, so many of these ministers have itching ears and so many of us wouldn't do well with a lotta money. Our last "pasta" would listen to Benny Hinn and tell Benny's sermons. He didn't go to the secret place to find what God wanted to tell his sheep.-C
Do you want to know what I thought about the chickens? Well, I will tell you anyway, lol...
we are meant to soar on the wings of an eagle. An eagle flies to the high places. Moses got the character of God (Torah) in the high place of Mt Sinai. Eagles are God's bird, whereas chickens scatch around in the dirt. They represent carnal people... the dust of the earth is what Adam (us) was made of. Chooks are fenced in by their carnal nature.
Moving and not taking furniture? Some pastors have the sound of a wooden table. They are silent in the Kingdom of God. Leave them in the place they are, and move on.
Not saying that is the case with the church you belong to though. Just some of my rambling thoughts ;)
Sounds like I am a 'pasta'-basher doesn't it? No, just can't stand the nutrional-less ones :)
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